Conveyance of the manor and advowson of North Stoneham to Thomas Fleming, 1599
From The Muniment Room, a resource for social history, family history, and local history.
Conveyance of the manor and advowson of North Stoneham to Sir Thomas Fleming, 1599[1] is a document from Bundle 1.
Bargain and sale for £5,000: the manor and advowson of North Stoneham (reservation of specified lands); 26 June 1599 i) William Chamberlaine of Beaulieu, esq; Richard Hoskyns of Middle Temple, gent; John Freere of Bentley, Sussex ii) Thomas Flemynge of Lincolns Inn, the Solicitor-General, and Mary his wife
This Indenture made the six and twenteth daie of June in the one and forteth yere of or Soveraigne Ladie Elizabeth by the grace of God Queene of Englande, Ffrance and Ireland, defender of the faith, between Willm. Chamberleyne of Bewliew in the county of Southt. Esquier, Richard Hoskins of the Middle Temple London gent. and John Ffrere of Bentley in the county of Sussex gent. of thone partie, and Thomas Fflemynge of Lincolnes Inne in the countie of Middlesex, Esquier, Solicitor general to or saide Soveraigne, Ladie the Queenes matie. that now is, and Mary Fflemynge, wife of the saide Thomas Fflemynge of the other partie WITNESSETH that the saide Willm. Chamberleyne Richard Hoskins and John Ffrere for divers cawses and consideracons from thereunto moveing and especially for and in consideracon of the some of five thowsand poundes of good and lawfull of England, to them by the saide Thomas Fflemynge before the ensealing and delivery of theise present indentures well and truly paide, whereof and wherewth the said Willm. Chamberleyne Richard Hoskins and John Ffrere doe acknowledge themselves to be fully satisfied, contented and paide. And thereof and of every parte and parcell thereof doe aquitt and dischardge the saide Thomas Fflemynge hys executors and administrators and everyone of them by theise presente, have granted, bargayned, sold, conveyed, assigned, infeoffed and confirmed and by theise presente, doe fullie clerely and abslutely grante, bargaine, sell, convey, assigne, enfeoffe and confirme unto the saide Thomas Fflemynge and Mary his wife and to the heires and assignes of the saide Thomas Flemynge.
All that the mannor of North Stoneham with thappertennance in the county of Southt. And all messuages, houses, edifices, barns, stables, buildings, landes, meadowes, leasures, pastures, feedings, heaths, wastes and waste grounds, woods, underwoodes, rents, suites and services, aswell of free as of customary Tenants Courtes Leetes and perquisits of Courtes and Leetes, fynes, issues, amerciamentt, herriotts, escheats, warren, liberties, proffitte, comodities and hereditamente whatsoever to the saide mannor of North Stoneham, belonging incident or in any wise appertayning or accepted, reputed or taken to be as parte parcell or member of the saide mannor. And also the advowson and free disposicon and donacion of the rectorie and church of North Stoneham aforesaide in the saide County of Southt. And all other the landes, tenemte and hereditamte of them the saide Willm. Chamberleyne Richard Hoskins and John Ffrere, sett lyeing and being in North Stoneham, South Stoneham and Chilworth in the saide County of Southt. And the reversion and reversions, rents and services upon every particular estate reserved wth thappertennance.
EXCEPT and allwaies reserved out of this grante, bargaine, sale, unto the saide Willm. Chamberleyne Richard Hoskins and John Ffrere and their heires and assignes. All these landes, tenemte and hereditamte hereafter followeinge. And the reversion and reversions of all and every one of them.
That is to saie; One Meadowe wth the appertennance in North Stoneham aforesaide, now or late in the tenure of Willm. Corham gent. or of his assigne, or assignees, not exceeding the number of Thirtene Acres and called or known by the name of STURBRIDGE or STURBRIDGE MEADES, wth all wayes, easymte and comodities thereunto, belonging. And all these Meadowe groundes wth all wayes, easymte and comodities thereunto belonging.
And all these Meadowe groundes wth thappertennance in North Stoneham aforesaide now or late in the tenure or occupacon of one Richard Stringfellowe gent. or his assigne or assignes, not exceeding the nomber of Twenty Acres and called or known by the name of FLANDE MEADES, or by whatsoever other name or names the same be called or knowne. And all Commons, Wayes, Easymte and Comodities thereunto belonging.
And all that Messuage or farm called Chickenhull, and all the houses, buildings, Orchardes, gardens, landes, tenemte, meadowes, leasures, pastures, feedings, woodes, underwoodes, wayes, wastes, comons, comodities and hereditamte thereunto belonging, sett lyeing and being in the parrish of North Stoneham aforesaide or elsewhere in the saide Countie of Southt. not exceeding in several groundes the nomber of one hundred and ffortie acres.
And all these landes or groundes wth thappurtennance called the PARKE in North Stoneham aforesaid, not exceeding the nomber of ffour score acres of arrable lande, pasture and wood grounde nowe or late in the tenure of Henry Knowles gent. or of his assignee or assignes.
And all these groundes wth thappertennance in North Stoneham aforesaide, not exceeding the nomber of sixteen acres nowe or late in the tenure of John Robbynson or of his assignee or assignes called or known by the name of Ffalkefeilde, or by whatsoever name or other names the same be called or known, together wth all waies, comons, easymte and comodities to the saide excepted premisses, every or any Parte thereof belonging or
AND FURTHER. The saide Willm. Chamberleyne Richard Hoskins and John Ffrere for the consideracons aforesaide have granted, bargained, sold and confirmed And by theise presente, doe grante, bargayne, sell and confirme unto the saide Thomas Flemynge and Mary Flemynge and the heires and assignes of the saide Thomas Fflemynge. All their right tytle, estate, interest, use, possession, reversion, remaynder, clayrne and demande wth the saide Willm. Chamberleyne Richard Hoskins and John Ffrere or either of them, hath or have or of right, may, might or ought to have in or to the saide mannor of North Stoneham and other the premisses with the appertennances or of in or to any parte or parcell thereof, Except before excepted.
And also, all Deeds, Charters, Letters Patente, Wryteings, Abydences, Counerpanes of Leases, Court Rolles, Rentalls , Bookes of Accournpte, Escriptes, Escrowes and Myrnimts wch they the saide Willm. Chamberleyne Richard Hoskins and John Ffrere or either of them hath or have or may lawfully come by wthout suite in Lawe, touching or concerning only the saide mannor and other the premisses, or only anie parte or parcell thereof Which saide Deeds, Charters, Letters Patents, Wryteings, Evidences, Counterpanes of Leases, Escripte, Escrowes, Courtrolles, Rentalls, Bookes of Accournpte and mynumte aforesaide.
The saide Willm. Chamberleyne Richard Hoskins and John Ffrere and every of them, doe covennute promise and grante for themselves and every of themselves, their heires, Executors and Administrators to and wth the saide Thomas Flemynge, his heires and assignes, to deliver or cause to be delivered unto the saide Thomas Fflemynge and Mary his wife, or to one of them, or to the heires or assignes of the saide Thomas Fflemynge, before the Feast of the Birth of our Lord God next ensewing the date thereof, TO HAVE AND TO HOLDE the saide mannor of North Stoneham wth the appertennance, messuages, Howses, Edifices, Landes, meadowes, Leasures, Pastures, feedings, Heaths, Comons, Woodes, Underwoodes, Rents, Suits, Services, Courtes Leetes, Leetes perquisite of Courts and Leetes, proffitte, comodities and hereditarnts And all in singuler the premisses wth thappertenance before by theise present Indentures, Bargayned, ·Solde and granted or mencioned, meant or intended to be granted, bargained sold or conveyed in or by these present. EXCEPT before excepted unto the saide Thomas Fflemynge and Mary his wife and to the heires and assignes of the saide Thomas Fflemynge, to the only proper and sole use and beheest of the saide Thomas Fflemynge and Mary his wife and of the heires and assignes of the saide Thomas for ever. AND THE SAIDE Willm. Chamberleyne Richard Hoskins and John Ffrere and everyone of them, doe covennte promise and grante for themselves their heires, Executors and administrators and the heires Executors and administrators of everyone of them, to and wth the saide Thomas Flemynge and mary his wife and the heires and assignes of the saide Thomas Fflemynge in manner and form followinge.
That they the saide Willm. Chamberleyne Richard Hoskins and John Ffrere for anything by them or any by them done to the contrary, doe stande and are seised to the only use and beheest of them, their heires and assignes of and in the saide mannor of North Stoneham. And of the in all and singular other the premises wth appertennances of a good perfect absolute and indefeasable of enheritance in fee simple wth out any condicon or morgage or other limitations of use or uses, to alter to change or deterrrnyne the same. And that the saide Willm. Chamberleyne Richard Hoskins and John Ffrere and every of them, have in their own rightes notwthstanding any art or artes done by them to the contrary, full power and lawful authorite, to grante, bargaine, sell and convey the saide mannor of North Stoneham and all in singular the premises wth thappertennances and every parte and parcell thereof unto the saide Thomas Fflemynge and Mary his wife and to the heires and assignes of the saide Thomas, to the use and beheese of the saide Thomas Fflemynge and Mary his wife and of the heires and assignes of the saide Thomas for ever in forme aforesaide. And that the saide Thomas Fflemynge and Mary his wife and the heires and assignes of the saide Thomas Fflemynge and every one of them from and after the ensealing and delivery of theise present Indentures, shall quietly and utaceably have, hold, occupie, possess and emioye the saide mannor of North Stoneham wth thappertenance, ftessuages, howses, edifices, Barnes, Stables, Buyldings, Landes, meadowes, Leasures, pastures, feedings, heaths, Comons, Wastes, Waste groundes, woodes, underwoodes, Rentes, Services, Courtes, Perquisite of Courtes, Proffitte, Comodities and hereditemente and all other the premises wth thappertenance and every parte and pacell thereof. Except before excepted clerely aquitted, dischardged or otherwise sufficiently saved and kept harmles of and from all and all manner of former and other bargained former and other sales, giftes, grantes, alienacons, joinctieres, Dowers, Recoginzance, Statutes merchant and of the Staple fynes, forfeitures, Issues, amerciaments, bylles, troubles and encombrance whatsoever hath made or done by the saide Willm. Chamberleyne Richard Hoskins and John Ffrere or any of them or by anie other personne or personns lawfully claymeing by from or under them or any of them, or by from or under their or anie of their title or interest.
A grante of the woodes, underwoodes and trees late standing growinge or being upon the comon or waste grounde called Stoneham Heath and certayne other things in the same comon or waste grounde made unto Thomas Payne gent. and Ralphe Serill gent. and Willm Wheeler yeoman by Indenture, beinge date the first daie of June last past before the date of theise presente made betwene the saide Willm. Chamberleyne Richard Hoskins and John Ffrere on thone partie and the saide Thomas Payne, Ralphe Serill and Willm Wheeler on the other partie excepted and foreprised.
AND for the further and more better suertie assurance and sure makeing of the saide mannor nessuages, Landes, neadowes, Leasures, pastures, feedings and hereditants and all and singular the premisses wth thappertenance and of every parte and parcell thereof as aforesaide. Except before excepted unto the saide Thomas Fflemynge and Mary his wife and to the eires and assignes of the said Thomas Fflemynge; the saide Willm. Chamberleyne Richard Hoskins and John Ffrere and everyone of them doe covennt, promise and grante for themselves their heirs, Executors and adminisrators to and wth the saide Thomas flemynge and Mary his wife and the heirs and assignes of the saide Thomas Fflemynge.
That they the saide Willm. Chamberleyne Richard Hoskins and John Ffrere and everyone of them and the eires of every of them, shall and will at all tymes hereafter and from tyme to tyme dureing the space of Two yeres next ensewing the date here of upon request unto them or any of them, to be made by the saide Thomas Fflemynge and Mary his wife or either of them or the heirs or assignes of the said Thomas Fflemyng, and at the chardges in the lawe of the saide Thomas Fllemynge and Mary his wife or one of them or of the heires or ass ignes of the saide Thomas Fflemynge, doe make, acknowledge, lobye, execute and suffer to be had made, done, lobyed and executed. All and every such further act and actes, deede and deeded, thing and things, devise and devises in the awe as shall be reasonably devised advised or required by the saide Thomas Fflemynge and Mary his wife or the heires or assignes of the saide Thomas, or by his or their Counsell, Learned in the Land, Be it by fyne, feoffement, Deede or Deedes, involled invollment of theise presente. Recovery wth single or double Voucher or Vouchers, Release or Releases, or by anie other lawfull and reasonable conveyances or assurances whatsoever, wth warrantie only against the saide Willm. Chamberleyne Richard Hoskins and John Ffrere and their heires, or wthout warranty Which saide fynes, feoffemente, deedes, conveyances and assurances and every of them to be had made, lobyed, suffered, sued or executed of the saide mannor and other the premisses wth thappertenance or of any parte or parcell thereof. Except before excepted shall be remayne and continewe and to all intente construccona and purposes be had, reputed, deemed and taken to be to the only proper and sole use and beheest of the said Thomas Fflemynge and Mary his wife and of the heires and assignes of the saide Thomas Fflemynge for ever And to no other use or uses intente or purposes.
IN WITNESSES whereof, The saide Parties about named to theise present Indentures enterchandgeably have sett their handes and seales yeoren the daie and yere first above written.
Thomas Ffleming